Sunday, November 16, 2008

Happy People Smile, Mommy ...

So I've been thinking about blogging for a long time now .... but until tonight, thinking is all thats become of it. And I actually had an account established, but couldn't come up with a witty name ... and so it goes.
As is usually the case, my kids are my inspiration. So if you're wondering about my very profound title, let me tell you about my very profound 3 year old.

It's been a long journey in a short 23 months. It went something like this ... Cole has characteristics of Autism, Cole is at risk for Autism ... Cole is Autistic ... I mean Cole has Autism (politically correct). So we fight. He fights. And we "work". I mean, he works. He does. 3 years old, and he "works" 35 hours a week. Works at learning how to play, how to speak, how to pretend, how to have a conversation, how to comment about his day, ... how to read emotions in others. His amazing (did I stress that enough?) AMAZING teachers and therapists teach him this, step by step, day by day. And clearly, it's working.

So today was "one of those days" ... I was feeling down, ... overwhelmed with life and underwhelmed with motivation. The weather was dreary, I was drearier ... you get the picture.
I must have sighed loud enough to disturb Cole from counting his ducks (another story for another blog) and this is how our conversation went ....

Cole: Mommy sad.
Me: No little man, Mommy's happy. Mommy's always happy when I'm with my boys.
Cole: Happy People Smile, Mommy
Me: Wow. Just, Wow.

So take it from a 3 year old with extensive social skill training ... Happy People Smile.

And you know, smiling made me happy.

1 comment:

Donielle Wilkinson said...

It is just amazing what these kids come up with, austim or no autism....they are so amazing in our eyes. Kiss those little sweeties for me :-) You have inspired me to start writing again on my blogspot. I started one when Justin was born and with everything that has been going on, I stopped. I am going to get started again...thank you!!